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Kyphoplasty Procedures in Las Vegas

Medical advancements are making surgical procedures more effective in both addressing spinal problems and facilitating patient recovery. The Spine Institute of Nevada is proud to offer patients numerous minimally invasive treatment options that can safely remedy their pain and mobility concerns while affording fast healing times. The following information highlights several of these procedures.


The bones that make up the spinal column can be vulnerable to any number of conditions that may compromise their strength. Injuries, malignant growths, and osteoporosis can all produce vertebrae breaks that cannot heal on their own. When the vertebrae remain weak or broken, the spinal column can suffer from instability, and patients may experience ongoing pain. Kyphoplasty can correct the problems that damaged vertebrae cause by introducing artificial substances that strengthen the bones and restore their form.

Lumbar Posterior Fusion

In some cases, it is the intervertebral discs that deteriorate spinal column function. When healthy, the intervertebral discs provide a cushion between the vertebrae. This cushion can withstand considerable weight and force to keep bones from scraping against each other. Should degenerative disc disease or a disc herniation impede the protection of the vertebrae, a person with either condition can experience substantial discomfort. Lumbar posterior fusion can eliminate lower back pain by removing the affected disc and cementing the vertebrae to stop painful bone abrasion.

Cervical Discectomy

Both the vertebrae and intervertebral discs act as a protective barrier between the spine and outside forces. However, some conditions can lead to pressure on the nerves that extend from the spine, which may result in limited movement and sensation. Cervical discectomy can alleviate stress on the nerves by removing the structure applying force to them. In many cases, a cervical discectomy may remove a disc damaged by herniation that is pressing upon a nearby nerve. With the removal of this structure, the patient can enjoy reduced discomfort and easier back movement. The Spine Institute of Nevada offers comprehensive spine treatment options that cater to the individual needs of our patients. Whether you suffer from a fractured vertebra or herniated disc, we have the medical resources you need to regain your health and mobility. To schedule, an appointment with Dr. Perry, call 702-239-3787.