How a Proper Warm-Up Before Athletic Competition Can Help Prevent Spinal Injuries

Back pain doesn’t have to leave you on the sidelines during athletic competitions and activities. With proper warm-up techniques, you can still participate in the game while preventing spinal injuries. Here’s what you need to know about warming up your muscles to keep your spine safe.
Increases Circulation
It’s never a good idea to jump into an athletic activity of any kind without slowly getting your blood pumping. A slow jog or walk around a track, a few jumping jacks, or even just running in place can help increase your circulation and get you ready for competition. The increased circulation makes your muscles more flexible, so they’re ready to handle the activities they’re about to do. This circulation also brings more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, making them stronger and better able to protect your spine.
Stretches Your Muscles
Stretching your back muscles is a must before the competition. Stretching the muscles makes them more pliable and better able to cope with the strain of athletic activity. Focus on stretching the muscles that will be used the most in your sport. Repetitive impact activities like running can take a toll on your lumbar, or lower, spine. Contact sports, like football and wrestling, put your cervical spine, or neck, at risk. In order to protect each portion of your spine, it is essential that your muscles are limber and ready for movement.
Eases You Into Movement
Even after you’ve done other warm-ups, it’s important to ease into your athletic activity, especially in games where repetitive movements, such as swinging a bat, are involved. Before you enter the game, do some dry runs of your sports movements on the sidelines, building up your momentum and stretch each time. This activity will mean less strain for your muscles when you actually start playing at full force, helping you keep your back and spine safe. Spinal injuries are common during sports, but the Spine Institute of Nevada can get you back in the game. If you’re experiencing back pain or neck pain, call Dr. Perry and the rest of the team at 702-239-3787 to learn how we can help you tackle your spinal issues.